I am hurting some now as I sit on my fat ass.
Tomorrow I will be sore.

After I jogged 5 miles, I dug up a bed as the years had worn out the looks. In it were a few Knockout Roses that bloom less as the area has become more shaded. Ivy had taken over the ground which looked good, but I wanted change.

I dug everything out and dug in 12 large bags of garden soil/conditioner. I don't own a tiller. I was surprised to see that the soil there was in great shape. I suppose that is due to a decade of me piling mulch there.

I put in 4 re-bloom Azaleas which require less Sun, and 2 False Hollies. Already there are several large native Nadina which might be my favorite plant.
I crawled around on my knees and added in 100 Daffys and Tulips for Spring.
I rebuilt the irrigation and piled on a load of mulch.

That is a big day for a lazy guy my age. I like to work in my yard, do a little most days trying to not fall too far behind. Looking as tacky as my place is requires a lot of effort.

I hate digging as it is hard work. Picks and shovels are not tools I like.
I will be sore tomorrow.