Life with my cats:love_heart::love_heart:

Most here keep their cats inside and so W%F?
I would prefer that for mine but it is not an option.
My cats believe they control and ~

I don't like cats and don't want one.

I like to sit on the porch and watch the many critters I encourage to visit.
On a scale of W%F it is my favorite thing in this World.
Cats kill things. Some do it to survive and all do it as it is in their DNA.
Cats kill not from hate or anger, but because they are cats.
It is a difficult concept for me to understand.

My back woods critter feed budget would induce laughter in most circles.
How folks judge me is not an issue for me as I don't aspire to be popular or even to fit in.

My concept of a great backyard has no place for a cat.

Two kittens showed up (abandoned by assholes) and I did not kill them.

About the worst curse for any bird watcher is a cat.
My first move was to put them in a bag and toss them into the lake.
Just being funny.
My first move was to haul them to my vet (whom I know better than my own doctor)

I have lost some critters but also loose some as they crash into my windows. Should I burn down my home and kill the cats?
Just being funny as we adjust. Living with cats is --- well sometimes pain.

On any day my cats roam for a hundred miles. I hate that as I fear for them.
I know that cats as a prisoner inside live and others die.
Here they come and go as the mood hits them. It is not an option for my cats. These are not 'house cats' but critters.
They are as wild as WTF.

I worry about coyotes and every (every) night I search and bring them inside. Not some nights but every night. I understand that is not enough as now they don' t have Rosey to protect the yard. Rosey was extreme security and protection we will never experience again.

During the day the cats tend to hang out close and often inside or on the porch. They now believe they own this place. Maybe they do.

After dark I may hit the sofa and the TV. Quickly Percy will claim the far cushion and Prancy will claim my lap.
Percy can not be seen as needy and Prancy sees herself as the 'jewel" in the room.

When I move to the bed, Percy will also. Percy is not mine, he sees everything as his. He is a big cat. He jumps into my waterbed and all is safe as we sleep. He is the king.

Prancy is Psychotic killer and not normal.
She is small.
WTF she will do next cannot be predicted.

She attacks Percy and them screams as if being killed as she flees. They tear the house up screaming and never is one damaged.

Sir Percival is a large capable cat with no peers (meaning me and the bride).
Lady Prance-a-lot is Psychotic. Small is not small.

People these days would see this post as kinda 'gay' as the media has programed that into yall.

Cats and colors (purple, lavender) words (gay) are not the domain of deviants unless we agree.
I do not. I am a gay guy with cats and and my favorite colors are purple and orange.

I hate cats, but bring your AR and dedication when you come for mine.

The same for me.
My cats run free as do I.

My favorite critter guys are those after the hurricane when floods came and helicopters came.
Get on board and save yourself.
This is the government talking, we know best.

Many declined.

I would never leave mine.
We would find another path.
